OK, so 2 posts ago I had found this really cute menu planner from my favorite paper store. Well, I had this magnet board that just sat in my kitchen that I have done NOTHING with for the last 2 years. *LIGHT BULB* So, I totally thought that this would be the perfect thing to make my menu planner out of. Then I just rummaged through all of my scrapbook paper and got to work.
Then I made dinner tags on the printer in a cute font and glued them to another co-ordinating paper and then I used those magnets that come attached to your phone books (you know the ones I'm talking about, the ones that you never use for the mortuary or the plumbers) I cut those into strips and glued them to the back too.
Then I made a little pocket for the extra meal magnets to go into. And then I used my Cricut to cut out the days of the week (the other one had the magnets as the days of the week in a bottle cap, but I didn't have any of those). Then, the only thing I actually had to purchase was the Post-It notes for the shopping list.
I made this totally free with the stuff I had on hand. I LOVE it when I can make things and not have to go buy them (not to mention my hubby does too :0)
This is so cute!